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ECFA Leads Independent Commission on Major Accountability and Policy Issues for Churches and Other Religious Organizations
Evangelical Child & Family Agency offers compassionate and Christ-centered services to children, families, and individuals through adoption, pregnancy support services, counseling, and intact family services.
Use Charity Navigator's ratings and resources to find and support highly rated charities that align with your passions and values. Whether you're looking to give toward international relief, the environment, animal welfare, or something else, we empower you to donate and volunteer with confidence.
An online Christian news publication with the latest headlines relevant to Christians. New stories updated daily from a Christian worldview.
We believe philanthropy is a powerful force for good. As a nonprofit membership association, the Council is committed to expanding trust in philanthropic organizations as they work to address society's most pressing challenges.
We inform donors, empower nonprofits, and partner with grantmakers to mobilize informed donors and accountable nonprofits for the greater good.
Learn about Joint Commission accreditation, certification and standards, plus measurement and performance improvement areas and our many helpful resources.
GAO provides fact-based, nonpartisan information to Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog, " GAO investigates federal spending and performance.
ACCME is responsible for accrediting institutions that offer CME to physicians and other healthcare professionals.
We believe film media is the most dynamic way to hear and see the greatest story ever lived. Become a partner. Share the good news.
Ensuring Quality Education that Enhances Student Success in the Workforce Student Center Join the Community Initial Accreditation Eligibility Achieve Excellence Forms and Reports Continuous Quality Resources Skill up See What Success Looks Like › Upcoming Events More Events Aug 28 Learn More Sep 07 Learn More Sep 18 Learn More Latest News More News Jul
Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today magazine.
Connections Academy is a K-12, tuition-free school that offers online learning from home. Learn more about how your child can benefit from an online school.
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound science.
PEER supports and protects public employees who seek a higher standard of accountability and environmental protection within their agencies.
Judicial Watch, a conservative foundation, fights for accountability and integrity in law, politics and government. Because no one is above the law!Happy Thanksgiving!
Transparency International - A global movement to end the injustice of corruption
The National School Boards Association is a federation of state associations and the U.S. territory of the Virgin Islands that represent locally elected school board officials serving approximately 51 million public school students.
ABC is your independent industry-owned auditor, structured to deliver impartial and trusted data and assurance services.
As a leading authority for summer camps and youth development, ACA works to preserve, promote, and improve the camp experience. ACA is a comprehensive resource for parents and families, residential camps, day camps, and travel camps, summer camp staff, and after-school and out-of-school programs.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 191 member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic well-being. The IMF is governed by and accountable to its member countries.
Learn how to be happy with The Way To Happiness. A non-religious personal moral code of ethics that helps people lead happy, healthy lives.
Latest news HBO Max Who's who in
The World Seen From Rome
Christian Today is the UK's largest online Christian news provider, with the latest in-depth reports. Christian news, Updated daily.
CIPA is a Canadian association of licensed, retail pharmacies that sell Health Canada-approved pharmaceuticals and medications with a valid prescription.
The American Statistical Association is the world's largest community of statisticians, the "Big Tent for Statistics." It is the second-oldest, continuously operating professional association in the country.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business organization. We advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth and America's success.
It's easy to take your business online with 123 Reg. Get products at affordable prices and fantastic support to help you every step of the way.
Offering not for profit small business advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in UK government.
The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.
Big life events can trigger big banking changes. Whether you're starting university or planning your retirement, we've made it easy to find the accounts and resources you need.
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE) is the home of the world's market-leading independent residential brokerages in over 70 countries, with 565 firms and 130, 000 sales associates producing over 1.1 million transactions valued at $372 billion annually. Our by-invitation-only network is based on the unparalleled performance and trusted relationships that result in exceptional client experiences.
The NCUA is responsible for regulating federal credit unions, insuring deposits, and protecting members of credit unions.
The Direct Selling Association is the national trade association for companies that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers.
The FDIC is an independent agency created by the U.S. Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system.