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andreas linder, via sacun-strasse 42, i-39049, st.ulrich/ortisei, gröden-val gardena, phone +39 338 8116795, [email protected]

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6 points

AMERICAN SUBURB X – Since 2008, an epicenter for photography, art and culture. americansuburbx.com

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Andreas Hosch andreas-hosch.com

in 1975 andreas was born in stuttgart and later grew up in a suburb of munich - he discovered the passion for photography at the age of 15, influenced by graffitiart from the late 80's, and early 90's - he finished his photography apprenticeship at the age of 21 - in 1998 his first photoproduction was released in german max magazine - from that time on he was constantly working as a photographer for national and international fashionclients and magazines - he founded the photography branch of study at the

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