America's Unions | AFL-CIO
The AFL-CIO is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people of America. We resolve to fulfill the yearning of the human spirit for liberty, justice and community; to advance individual and associational freedom; to vanquish oppression, privation and cruelty in all their forms; and to join with all persons, of whatever nationality or faith, who cherish the cause of democracy and the call of solidarity, to grace the planet with these achievements.
Language: English
American Federation of Teachers public web site.
If you want news and opinion about working people from Washington state standing together, then The STAND is for you! It is a free service of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO and accepts no advertising.
Legal Newsline is a legal journal covering high profile civil litigation lawsuits across the country. It's goal is to provide an objective view of the legal landscape as well as an active forum for both sides of the argument.
All Writers. All Genres. All Mediums. Book Authors, Journalists, Business and Technology Writers, Escritores en Español. Contract and Grievance Assistance.
CPWR reduces occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities in the construction industry through our research, training, and service programs.
The Voice of Labor in ArizonaThe Arizona AFL-CIO is the state's labor federation representing 185, 000 union members through over 200 local union affiliates.
The largest union organization in Washington state
Wyoming State AFL-CIO serves over 60 unions and their members in Wyoming. Interested in starting a union? We can help. We provide legislators and the greater Wyoming community with information and policy positions on behalf of Wyoming's working families.
Representing Utah Working Families Union Proud, Union Strong!
We bring together unions, employers, workforce intermediary partnerships, the workforce system, and community organizations to create, expand and retain high quality jobs.
The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is the national labor union of city delivery letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service.
New York State AFL-CIO Helping Working Families Achieve a Better Life The New York State AFL-CIO is a federation of 3, 000 affiliated public sector, private sector, and building trades unions throughout the state, representing 2.5 million members, retirees and their families. Our members live and work in every community in our state, and reflect the diversity that makes New York great.
An Online Database of the Left and its Agendas, a Guide to the Political Left
The Minnesota AFL-CIO is the state federation of labor representing over 300, 000 members of over 1, 000 local unions throughout Minnesota.
The Montana AFL-CIO is a federation of unions in The Last Best Place. We are where labor comes together to promote better working conditions for all workers, whether unionized or not. All workers deserve a fair deal and freedom of speech at work.
Granite State Solidarity
Our mission is to improve the lives of working families-to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our state and the nation.
The Voice of Labor in Massachusetts The role of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO is to serve as the unified voice of all organized workers in the Commonwealth and to be a voice for all working people, those in unions and those not yet organized. Our mission is to improve the lives of working families-by working for economic, social and racial justice in the workplace, in our communities, our state and in our nation. Our vision is of a fair and just society that benefits all working people, not a system that's rig
OSHA Investigation - Iowa General AssemblyAlong with some citations for other things, Iowa OSHA has told the Iowa General Assembly that: "IOSHA identified condition(s) that may expose workers to COVID-19 hazards. Our concerns observed during this inspection ... identify potential hazards that you should address:"1) Social distancing between individuals is not always practiced and not enforced2) Temperature checks and health screens are not being performed on all persons entering the Capitol Building3) Emp
Government Executive is the leading source for news, information and analysis about the operations of the executive branch of the federal government.
National Shop Stewards Network News, resources, solidarity
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters. Timely news source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
Labor Notes is also a network of rank-and-file members, local union leaders, and labor activists who know the labor movement is worth fighting for. We encourage connections between workers in different unions, workers centers, communities, industries, and countries to strengthen the movement-from the bottom up.
Building Workers' Power - The ITUC represents 191 million workers in 169 countries and territories and has 340 national affiliates.
International Labour News is the official website for the State of California. You can find and access California services, resources, and more.
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is a labor union made up of 1.3 million hard-working men and women in the U.S. and Canada. We are a 501(c)(5) nonprofit organization that represents workers in the grocery, meat packing, food processing, retail, healthcare, cannabis, chemical, distillery and many other industries.
Marxistische Analysen, Kämpfe der internationalen Arbeiterklasse und der Kampf für Sozialismus