3D-Spieleentwicklung - Vulkan - OpenGL - GLSL - OpenCL - OpenAL
Language: German
Tutorials and news for OpenGL, GLSL, GLUT, OpenGLES, VRML, WebGL and OpenCL. Learning how to built 3D computer graphics applications using shaders.
A blog about graphics, systems and
Anteru's blog is a blog about development, software architecture and 3D graphics.
3D tech-news, graphics cards, programming, gamedev, pixel hacking and demoscene
Research Group Leader - 4D Reconstruction
3D Impact Media makes 3D easy by providing tools and technologies to convert 2D media into stereoscopic 3D and auto-stereoscopic 3D, targeting high-quality post-production applications as well as high-performance/realtime conversion; either on the GPU (OpenCL) or on FPGA hardware.
HorschCG - Maßgeschneiderte 3D-Software, Grafik-Programmierung und GPU Computing Lösungen
eduardo, omine, art, design, interactive, creative, coding, programming, web, development, processing, openframeworks, vvvv, c++, java, opengl, glsl, shaders, as3, flash, html, javascript, type, typography, lettering, drawing, music, beats, architecture
AmanithVG project
Nebula3, FlohOfWoe, Andre Weissflog, RadonLabs, Nebula Device
oZone3D.Net delivers real time 3D graphics softwares and tutorials: GPU benchmarks, real time 3d prototyping, 3D graphics programming with OpenGL and Direct3D, ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards reviews. oZone3D.Net is the home of Demoniak3D, GPU Caps Viewer and graphics cards benchmarks and is a source of widely apprecited 3D graphics programming tutorials.
Sulaco Delphi and OpenGL Development
AmanithVG, a software OpenVG library for 2D vector graphics rendering OpenVG 1.1 library for 2D vector graphics rendering
Deploying and developing royalty-free open standards for 3D graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Parallel Computing, Neural Networks, and Vision Processing
An OpenGL and OpenCL debugger, profiler and graphic memory analyzer which traces application activity on top of OpenGL and OpenCL APIs providing application behavior information needed to find bugs and to optimize application rendering and computing performance.