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Study With UsBOOK A SESSION WITH USStudy ProgramsMaster ProgramsMSc Data Science and Business Analytics MA Public Administration Student Services OfficeTeaching OfficeQuality Assurance OfficeLibraryInternational CooperationPartnershipsResearchThe Research Department is responsible for providing services to students and departments through data collection, interpretation, and analysis. In addition, the department offers advice and encourages Riinvest College students in their participation

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Transfor­mi­mi Tavo­linës Stu­dentë Softueri­ke Rrum­bul­lakët Riin­ves­tojmë Riinvest Re­pub­likës Raifei­sen Për Punësi­mi Punës Profe­sorët Prak­tikë Prak­ti­kes Mirëqe­nies Kuadër Kri­jojmë Kosovës Kolegji Gjer­ma­nisë Ftojne Dijen Dife­rencën Dhe De­partmen­tit Bashkëpuni­met Bashku Bankën Ap­li­koj­ne