Mathematical Association of America Advancing the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world
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NSF's mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.
Michigan Technological University is a flagship public research university founded in 1885. Our campus in Michigan's Upper Peninsula overlooks the Keweenaw Waterway and is just a few miles from Lake Superior. Learn more about our degree programs.
The American Mathematical Society is an association of professional mathematicians dedicated to the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, and serves the national and international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs.
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Oxford University provides world-class research and education to benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale.
The European Mathematical Society (EMS), the Polish Mathematical Society (PTM) and the Jagiellonian University (UJ) have the pleasure to invite mathematicians from all over the world to participate in the 6th European Congress of Mathematics which will be held in Kraków, July 2-7, 2012.
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NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest and most diverse nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange, working to advance policies and practices that ensure a more interconnected, peaceful world today and for generations to come.
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The National School Boards Association is a federation of state associations and the U.S. territory of the Virgin Islands that represent locally elected school board officials serving approximately 51 million public school students.
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