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László Moholy-Nagy Biografie - Informationen für Verkäufer und Käufer

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Salvaging Spaces: a work in progress | A place to query, interpret, present and think about the renewal of post-industrial spaces through art. This website will be part of a poetic project on which I am embarking this year in Germany. katethorpe.wordpress.com

A place to query, interpret, present and think about the renewal of post-industrial spaces through art. This website will be part of a poetic project on which I am embarking this year in Germany.

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Spector Books spectorbooks.com

Spector's publishing practice is settled squarely in the intersection of art, theory, and design. Based in Leipzig Germany, our publishing house explores the possibilities offered by an active exchange between all parties involved in the book production process: artists, authors, book designers, lithographers, printers and bookbinders. The book as medium is turned into a stage, a site of encounter for productive exchange. Finding innovative approaches to the medium today calls for a well-considered interpl

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Analyzed Keywords
Werkbun­dausstel­lung Wer­beab­tei­lung Vor­kur­ses Siedelt Nagy Moholy Mi­litärdienst Me­tallwerkstatt Machtergreifung László Lászlo Lichts­truk­tu­ren Lichteffek­ten Ketsch Kauf Infor­matio­nen Fo­tog­ram­men Formmeis­ter E­mig­riert Deutsch Da­dais­ten Bühnen­bildner Bácsborsód Bácsbar­sod Biog­rafie Bau­hausbücher Bauhaus Ausstel­lungsgestal­ter Ausdrucksmit­tel Angebote