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Oxfam is an international confederation of 21 NGOs working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty.
Smart growth is a way to build cities, towns, and neighborhoods that are economically prosperous, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable.
350.org is turning the page on the fossil fuel industry and building a clean, just future by connecting powerful grassroots climate movements around the world.
The National Corn Growers Association represents nearly 40, 000 dues-paying corn growers and the interests of more than 300, 000 farmers.
Decentralize, Grow Your Own, Buy Local.
We are The University of Toledo, a metropolitan public research university with more than 250 degree programs, renowned faculty and more than 15, 000 students.
The official athletics website for the Duke University
In 2020, ATA established the ATA Moving & Storage Conference, the leading national organization representing household goods moving companies and industry suppliers, as well as various state moving and storage associations.
jQuery Image Slider, jQuery Slideshow. Stunning visual effects and templates. Drag-n-drop maker