2 Similar Sites like Almoshaf.net


شبكة مصحفي هي أول شبكة إجتماعية حول كتاب الله تعالى تنشئ لك هامش لتدوين الملاحظات حول آيات القرآن الكريم و مشاركتها. almoshaf.net is the first social network around the holy Quran. It provides you an electronic margin to write your notes about ayas and share them.

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Language: English

The Noble Quran - The Holy Book Of Muslims quranonline.net

Start reading the Quran Online! Listen to beautiful audio, read Quran translation in your language and explore the Holy Book in a mobile-friendly interface.

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Al-Quran Surah bacabacaquran.com

If you want to learn Al-Quran in English or Al-Quran in Bangla or Al-Quran in Arabic then its right place for you. Here we learn about surah of Quran.

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هامش مميزة مصحفي مصحفى مصحف مصاحف مدارسة كريم كتاب قراءة قرأن قرآن شبكة تدوين المصحف الله الكريم القرآن الحفظ إجتماعية Quran Mushafy Mushaf Moshafy Moshaf Margin Almushaf Almoshaf